The patient non-emergency transport telephone number is 0300 123 1236, option 3.
The opening hours are 09.00 am – 4.30 pm. Please give them at least 48 hours notice.
Patients attending mainland hospitals who require transport to Stornoway Airport should contact the above number so that arrangements can be made. They will be met at the mainland airport and taken to the hospital they are attending. Patients who do not require transport to Stornoway e.g. flights only should contact the Western Isles Health Board Travel Office on 01851 708021. In these instances, they will be responsible for their own transport from the mainland airport. All receipts should be kept and a claim form stamped by the hospital.
Transport is not available to take you to a routine doctor and or practice nurse appointment but can be arranged for appointments at the surgery for podiatry, physiotherapy, dietetics and surgical clinics as these are extensions of hospital out-patient appointments.