Clinics and Services

Treatment Room Clinics

The community nurses work in the treatment room on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.   Typical matters the nurses deal with include childhood immunisations, blood tests and dressings.

Cervical smears

These are carried out by Sarah Maclean, our Advanced Nurse Practitioner. We operate a call and recall system for cervical smears and all our female patients between the age of 25 and 65 are sent regular follow-up appointments to attend for this investigation. They will receive written notification of the result, usually within 4 weeks of the test. If you have not had a smear within the last 5 years please ask for an appointment.

Community Nurses

The Community Nurses provide a home based nursing service to housebound patients of all ages who suffer acute chronic and terminal illnesses. They also provide a full antenatal and postnatal service. Expectant mums should make an appointment with the GP in the first instance, who will refer them to Obstetrics at the hospital and the Community Midwife.

There is no midwifery cover after 17:00 weekdays or at weekends, the maternity unit at the Western Isles Hospital should be contacted during these times.

Tel: 01851 704704

The on call nurse can be contacted by telephoning 01859 502126 and leaving a message. Any medical requests or enquiries which do not involve the district nurses should be directed to NHS 24 by telephoning 111. Any suggestions or comments regarding the Community Nursing Service should be made to Joyce King.

Visiting specialities at North Harris

All can be contacted by ringing the Western Isles Hospital on 01851 704 704.

  • First contact physiotherapist – currently visiting the practice on Tuesday mornings
  • Dietetics
  • Smoking cessation
  • Community psychiatric nurse
  • Diabetic specialist nurse
  • Heart failure nurse
  • Pharmacist

Family planning

The GP’s provide a full range of family planning services during their appointment clinics. Condoms are also available from the dispensary free of charge.

Health visitor and family health Nurse

There is a Health Visitor and Family Health Nurse, attached to the surgery, who will work with individuals and families e.g. a home visit to a new born baby and mother, parent and child development assessment. Issues which involve public health and community development, such as influencing policy making decisions, working with groups such as parenting classes or postnatal groups and all other health promotion issues, are an important part of the role of the Health Visitor.

The Health Visitor can be contacted via the hospital on 01851 704 704.

Non-NHS examinations

Medical examinations for special purposes (e.g. pre-employment, HGV medicals) are usually done during normal consulting hours. A fee is payable which, as a service to our patients, we try to keep at no more than half that recommended by the British Medical Association.

Social Worker

There is a Social Worker from the Community Care Team for adults and children with special needs who works closely with the Practice Team. She can assess people for services such as home care, day care, respite care or residential care, and she is also available to give advice and information about other social work services. She can be contacted via in the Council Offices in Harris House in Tarbert.

Tel: 01859 502973